In an attempt to include all the languages from my background; German, Spanish, French and the one and only language I currently speak fluently, English.

I might possibly have misspelled, I don't know if all the correct accents are on the letters,c ausing the words to be pronounced differently, inadvertently making the term wrong, if they are I apologize to those belonging to the language groups..... I mean no disrespect, I simply thought it would be unique to do such a thing, and to do it rapidly I checked on a translation site, not the most reliable resource out there.
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  • A Little Bit About Me.

    I am a first time blogger. Never been introduced to blogs before, never really been interested, not until I was formally introduced in my Communication Studies class. I think they are incredible, totally fun, and an excellent way to express yourself!!! Being creative doesn't even begin to explain the individuality and uniqueness of one's personal blog.

    Feel free to browse around, have fun and leave your mark...... I know its not much to look at given that I am just learning the ropes and with no direction, so I might as well be blind folded; but, I hope you enjoy looking at it as I have had in creating it. =)